St. Louis, MO

HomeService AreasSt. Louis, MO

Our exterior cleaning services are second to none in St. Louis.

You want your home or business to make the right impression, and that starts with the first thing people see: its exterior. At Maverick SoftWash, we offer exterior cleaning services in St. Louis, Missouri. With our state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques, we can have your exterior surfaces looking immaculate in no time.

St. Louis, Missouri

We use two main techniques for exterior cleaning. One is pressure washing, which we only use on durable surfaces like concrete to avoid causing damage. For delicate surfaces like roofs, siding, and fences, we always use soft washing. This is a gentle yet effective method that relies on biodegradable cleaning solutions to kill contaminants like algae and mold. Whether you need our technicians to clean your roof, siding, driveway, walkways, fence, gutters, or windows, we will always use the best method for the task at hand and provide exceptional results and service. Call us for a free initial consultation.

Exterior House Cleaning in St. Louis, Missouri

We offer exterior house cleaning to boost your home’s curb appeal and improve your neighborhood’s overall appearance in St. Louis.

Outdoor Lighting in St. Louis, Missouri

Our outdoor lighting solutions are a great way to create functional and aesthetic illumination for your home or business in St. Louis.

Call us for a free initial consultation.

At Maverick SoftWash, we proudly serve St. Louis, St. Charles, Kirkwood, Chesterfield, Ballwin, O’Fallon, Des Peres, Wildwood, Fenton, Creve Coeur, Valley Park, and Webster Groves, Missouri.


Contact us for more information